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Dance 4 Inclusion E-Learning Compendium

The Dance 4 Inclusion project promotes integration through dance, focusing on Lindy Hop.

Of all of the swing dances, Lindy Hop is probably the most famous. Lindy Hop is a partner dance of African-American origin that emerged in Harlem, New York, towards the end of the 1920s.

It combined the movements of African dances with the structure of European dances. This phenomenon transversed racial barriers and bears incredible historical significance. During the golden era of swing, Lindy Hop was a huge phenomenon and played an important role in American racial integration.

The Dance 4 Inclusion E-Learning Compendium provides best practice advice on curating and maximising your own dance workshops and events to promote inclusion. It explores Lindy Hop dance and jazz culture's impact on integration. It is a result of the Erasmus+ project Dance 4 Inclusion, brought to you by Retro Festival and Teach Solais Community Development.

1. Dance 4 Inclusion | Advantages and Limitations

In lesson no.1, we will explore the advantages and limitations of using dance to promote inclusion.

2. Dance 4 Inclusion | The Value of Dance in Supporting Social Inclusion

In lesson no.2, we will describe the value of using dance to promote inclusion.

3. Dance 4 Inclusion | Who, Where and How?

In lesson no.3, we will discuss the who, where, and how of using dance as a method of inclusion.

4. Dance for Inclusion | Necessary Skills

In lesson no.4, we will describe the required skills for using dance to promote inclusion.

5. Dance 4 Inclusion | Dance Events and Community


In lesson 5, we list the essential considerations when planning a project or event that uses dance to promote inclusion.

6. Dance 4 Inclusion | Lindy Hop as a Foundation of Integration Part 1

In lesson no.6, we will take a detailed journey through the evolution of Lindy Hop and describe its impact on integration.

7. Dance 4 Inclusion | Lindy Hop as a Foundation of Integration Part 2

In lesson no.7, we will continue to take a detailed journey through the evolution of Lindy Hop and describe its impact on


8. Dance 4 Inclusion | Shim Sham Dance Lesson

Lesson no.8 is a practical video lesson demonstrating how to do the “Shim Sham” as choreographed by Frankie Manning.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000101639

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