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Making Space 365 | Second Transnational Partner Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania

On the 29th of March, 2022, the second transnational partner meeting for the Erasmus+ project Making Space 365 was held in the beautiful city of Vilnius in Lithuania.

This meeting aimed to support the project quality management and review progress and milestones achieved. It was a thoroughly productive two days, and partners are happy to report that all four project outputs now have a clear and optimised vision.

We used the time to review the results of the Needs Analysis and theoretical and literature review of the Making Space 365 Framework for Social, Civic & Community Education and Engagement. And also set our final deadlines and strategy for developing the Making Space 365 Framework for Social, Civic & Community Education and Engagement.

We also agreed on the framework for the Making Space 365 Civic Action and Creative Youth Event Guidebook. This output is off to a flying start, and we look forward to getting this valuable tool into the hands of our respective communities.

Teach Solais were delighted to present their prototype design for the Making Space 365 Creative Calendar. Together the consortium signed off on the guidelines, and soon Teach Solais will share templates, and all partner countries will begin developing content for their topics. This is an exciting and rare opportunity within the Erasmus+ programme as this calendar will go into physical production. We are excited to adorn your offices, schools and community centres in 2023!

A huge thank you to Inovacijų biuras for being such wonderful hosts and showing us the beauty of Vilnius, Lithuania. It was an absolute treat getting to explore such a magical place.

For more information on the Making Space 365 project, please follow us on Facebook or visit our website at

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